Google CARDIAC[HEART]CHANGES IN LUPUS | Web Health Directory

16 February, 2009


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In today's post I'll discuss about the cardiac changes in SLE[systemic lupus erythematosus].Pericarditis[inflammation of the pericardium or the covering of the heart i.e in simple words the pericardium is invaded by different types of inflammatory cells].In minority of cases it may lead to cardiac tamponade.The more serious manifestations may be myocarditis i.e

involvement of muscles of the heart by inflammation:endocarditis.Involvement of the innermost layer of the heart[endocardium] may lead to cardiac valve insufficiencies,usually of the left sided heart valves[aortic and mitral valves].
Of note,myocardial infarction[commonly called only infarction or heart attack] is also common in individuals with lupus,primarily due to accelerated atherosclerosis.

Pericarditis usually responds to anti-inflammatory drugs.Myocarditis and endocarditis is usually treated with glucocorticoids.

For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.

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Unknown said...

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Have a very nice day;