Google 08/01/2009 - 09/01/2009 | Web Health Directory

30 August, 2009


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My grandfather,who was also a doctor used to tell me,that Medical science is a half science.At that time,i was just a teen,couldn't understand what he is really saying.After entering this field i realized the true meaning.

Perhaps,even after so many researches all over the world and studying for 10-12 hours a day for years,we do not have all the answers.Perhaps,i have understood what he really meant.

Several forms of therapies have evolved through years to heal the human body.Somatic therapy,homeopathy,botanical medicine,color therapy are only a few of them.

Although,i am a doctor,i do not have any reservation against alternative medicine.Whatever form of therapy, that is beneficial to the mankind must be good.[but the therapies should be authentic]

Somatic therapy or body-mind therapy is a holistic approach to physical,mental and emotional aspects of health,.It attempts to offer help in conditions like chronic fatigue,post traumatic stress disorder,anxiety,depression and other conditions without the administration of medicine.It basically teaches us,how to become aware of our body system and sensations.

A somatic therapy site,caught my attention has presented a detailed explanation of this technique.San Diego Therapist is also offering a free E-course and 30 minute free consultation service.

I signed up for the free E-course.This may help me,in understanding my patients in a better way.


26 August, 2009


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Measuring the pulse at the neck and wrist.Image via Wikipedia

Palpitation, is a very common condition.This may have been experienced by many of us,at some points or the other.In this post i will try to explain the causes of palpitation.

Palpitation is a condition in which an individual becomes aware of his/her own heart beat.Individuals presenting with palpitation usually complain of pounding heart beat.

This condition may occur in any condition like stress, that is physical or emotional etc that increases the catecholamine levels in our body.This in turn increases the force of cardiac contractions,thereby causing palpitation.

Palpitation may also occur in certain individuals when they rest in bed,but are unable to sleep.

Now coming to more serious causes of palpitation.Palpitation may occur in the event of disturbances in heart rate and cardiac rhythm.Some of these disturbances are supraventricular tachyarrhythmia,atrial fibrillation,ventricular tacchyarrhythmias,ventricular extrasystoles etc.In my coming posts i will try to explain each of them in details.
There are certain cardiac diseases like aortic regurgitation that increases the size of the left chamber of the heart i.e the left ventricle,which thereby comes in contact with the chest wall causing palpitation.

Certain non cardiac conditions like fever,hypoglycemia[reduced blood glucose levels] etc. may also cause palpitation.

Last,but definitely not the least psychiatric diseases like panic disorder,depression may also cause palpitation.

There are certain substances that many of us commonly consume like tea,coffee,alcohol,tobacco etc. can also precipitate palpitation and even arrhythmia.

To end this post,any individual presenting with palpitation should not neglect his/her symptoms and should at least consult his/her doctor to undergo a thorough evaluation to establish the cause of palpitation.

Any individual with symptoms of palpitation should avoid the palpitation precipitating substances,mentioned above.

Please consult this topic, with other reliable internet resources or with your doctor.

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23 August, 2009

good night

Very tired,hard day,just not feeling like posting any health related articles.

Want to share a quotation 'Be The Person Your Dog Thinks You Are' not my own, the link is here

Good night friends.

We are familyImage by Luiz Castro via Flickr



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A recent FDA notification has stated that has decided to recall Kroger brand Super Kids Enriched White Sandwich Bread distributed in thirteen states.All customers are instructed to return these products for refund.These step is being taken as the aforesaid product may contain milk that has not been mentioned in the label.

Cow juice or milkshakesImage via Wikipedia

Read the full story in the site here


21 August, 2009


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World Health Organisation has released a geographic representation of the present status of H1N1 pandemic as of 13th august 2009.In this map they represented the countries with laboratory test confirmed case by orange color.They have also stratified the countries according to the cumulative deaths due to H1N1 flu.

The smallest circle represents areas with cumulative deaths between 1- 10,the second circle between 11-50,third circle 51-100,the largest circle with cumulative deaths between 101 and more.

please check out the status of H1N1 pandemic here

The original advisory opinion was requested by...Image via Wikipedia

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New H1N1 Guidance and Information for Colleges and Universities

Leave a Comment has recently released a guideline for the prevention of H1N1 flu in colleges and universities,please do check this out.

MEXICO CITY - APRIL 30:  Dr. Fabian Ismael Vil...Image by Getty Images via Daylife



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Till recently, i never used the internet this much.Rather, checking my e-mail,once in a while was my only online activity.Those were before,i started blogging,but now i try to access every useful online services.[getting addicted, i guess]

Annually,for my practice purposes i have to print a set of visiting cards and a bunch of brochures and leaflets,which are very useful for patient education.In fact making your patient understand the disease and treatment planned is an absolute must.If a thorough knowledge about the disease can be provided in simple words,by means of printed leaflets,and brochures,it becomes much easier, both for the patient , his/her relatives and the doctor in terms of communication.In fact,these printed materials help an individual to take an informed decision about the treatment options to a substantial extent.

One year back,i used to print all these materials from a local printing company.The problem with this company was that it was a bit slow in delivery and had a lot of printing errors.Thus i had to again correct those errors.

So,i was in search of an good online printing option. is a promising online printing option.This site offers a variety of choices like business card,booklet printing,brochures,post cards,event tickets,newsletters and many more.The aspect that interested me the most was there prompt delivery and a vast collection of templates to choose from.The prices seem to be reasonable in terms of quality and services.I ordered a set of business cards availing the discount offer.The service was much better than the local option.


19 August, 2009


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heart with coronary arteriesImage via Wikipedia

In continuation with my previous post on angina pectoris,in this post i will explain the symptoms of unstable angina.

In unstable angina,the chest discomfort or chest pain is similar in quality to the chest pain in individuals with angina pectoris.[symptoms of angina pectoris].

But in case of unstable angina the the chest pain is more severe in intensity and is prolonged in duration.

Unlike chest pain in angina pectoris,in case of unstable angina,the chest discomfort may occur even during rest and sublingual[placing the tablet under the tongue] nitroglycerin may not cause any relief.

This condition is much more serious than stable angina.The chest pain of unstable angina may also be associated with respiratory distress,nausea etc.

If any individual experiences this sort of chest pain,he/she should immediately contact emergency medical services for help.

Please consult this topic, with other reliable internet resources or with your doctor.

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17 August, 2009


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Coronary circulationImage via Wikipedia

Myocardial ischemia is a condition where the blood supply to the heart is compromised due to narrowing of the blood vessels that supply the heart, that is the coronary arteries. Myocardium is the name given to the muscles of the heart.
Angina pectoris is the name given to the chest pain or chest discomfort that occurs due to myocardial ischemia. It is a severe squeezing, sharp pain or heaviness felt in the front of the chest. The pain is felt predominantly over the sternum, which is the bone located in front of the chest, in between ribs of two sides.

This type of pain may radiate to the neck, jaw, arm, shoulders and other areas.

Angina pectoris, is of two types, stable and unstable angina.The pain of stable angina usually occurs after a periods of exertion, be it emotional or physical. The pain of stable angina usually subside after a period of rest or relieved by taking medicines like sublingual nitroglycerine tablets.

I’ll try to explain unstable angina in my next post.

One note of advice, if any individual experiences this sort of chest discomfort, please do not forget to contact your doctor or the emergency department of your nearest hospital.

Please consult this topic, with other reliable internet resources or with your doctor.

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16 August, 2009


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One month back,one of my very close friend's house was robbed by some burglars.Her house was literally ransacked.Her laptop,plasma TV ALL gone.As she spends most of her time in her office,which is a software company with night and day shifts,sometimes without any break.Thus security and protection of her home was of utmost priority,so the search began.

The search was for an agency,which provided a total protection against burglary,fire threats and others.

Searching over the net this site caught our notice.They provide a 24 x 7 monitoring service through a system installed in our homes.The installation consists door/window protection,carbon monoxide detectors,smoke/heat sensors,freeze sensors,motion detectors and other systems.Our home is monitored through this installed system via four monitoring centers across United States.And whenever an alarm is detected they immediately inform the home owner or the local authorities.

The austin home security site has also laid out a statistical report about the number of violent crimes,burglary etc. in Austin,Texas.

Another interesting feature is,Austin fire department page has presented a list of important informations about fire safety.

The facilities and protection system provided by this agency seems to be very authentic and efficient, thinking of asking her to try this out.


15 August, 2009


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TamoxifenImage via Wikipedia


is a very common drug used in

breast cancer

.Tamoxifen has complex actions.This drug falls within the class of SERMs or selective estrogen receptor modulator.At some organs of the body tamoxifen acts as a potent estrogen antagonist that in these organs it opposes the action of estrogen.[example:breast].In other organs like the uterus it acts as an estrogen agonist, that is in other organs it increases the actions of estrogen,thereby causing proliferation of the endometrial layer of the utrus.This is called endometrial hyperplasia.

Thus long term use of tamoxifen may increase the risk of endometrial


.Endometrial sampling is a very important diagnostic procedure to rule out
endometrial hyperplasia

endometrial cancer

in individuals receiving tamoxifen therapy.

Tamoxifen's role in breast cancer:In most hospitals tamoxifen is considered as the first choice hormone therapy for breast cancer in both pre and post menopausal women.

Please do consult this topic with your doctor and other trusted internet sites.

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14 August, 2009


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My daily internet surfing is starting to bring some dividends,i guess.Yesterday i came across another promising site.Paid posting is a very common method for monetization of blogs.
There are numerous sites,providing this opportunity to make money from blog.Some are really very professional and others,probably are not up to the mark.

Whenever i come across any interesting site,be it money-making or anything else,like an avid blogger i try them to gain first hand experience.Yesterday's find is a new site in the paid posting horizon.I was initially,little skeptical about this blog monetizatiion site,nevertheless gave it a try.Surprisingly, LINK FROM BLOG had a very professional set-up.

Some very interesting features that attracted me are:
By this,you can monetize both your blog and twitter profile at the same place.
LINK FROM BLOG has a very professional site,with easily navigable menus.
It also has a fairly strong security check.
A very well defined FAQs-by this i usually test the authenticity of the site concerned.

But the best thing i liked about this site was their prompt response.Within half an hour they checked my blog and twitter profile for eligibility.

Now,coming to the money part.I have not received any money from them,so not in a position to comment on it.

Overall this may be an useful platform for blog advertising and to make money from blog.

Taking their professional approach,this may be a very good platform for the advertisers to advertise in blogs.


13 August, 2009


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Poor to moderately differentiated adenocarcino...Image via Wikipedia

LinkFromBlog - advertise with my Blog

Yesterday during my outdoor posting i attended an elderly individual presenting with advanced features of

stomach cancer

.He was in a lot of anguish and pain.He presented with vomiting,regurgitation of old food matters and with a lump in the abdomen.Last CT SCAN of the abdomen revealed metastasis to the liver.

Thereafter i was thinking of posting the causes of stomach cancer or




The most important causes of stomach cancer are

Consumption of very high concentration of compounds like nitrates that are present predominantly in salted and smoked foods for an extended period of time.

In certain conditions like atrophic gastritis,peptic ulcer surgery like partial gastrectomy,pernicious anemia there is loss of gastric acidity due to destruction of acid producing cells in the stomach.In pernicious anemia an autoimmune gastritis occurs mainly in the fundus portion of the stomach.

Infection with helicobacter pylori or H.Pylori is also an important risk factor.

In individuals with atrophic gastritis,there may be a gradual replacement of the gastric mucosa or the stomach lining cells to intestinal type of cells.This phenomenon is known as intestinal metaplasia.This condition increases the risk of gastric cancer significantly.

Gastric ulcer,gastric polyps,Menetrier's disease have also been incriminated as risk factors.

Other factors that have been implicated in the causation of

cancer of stomach

are cigarette smoking,consumption of spirits and genetic factors.

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11 August, 2009



SANTA MONICA, CA - JULY 11:  Pico de Gallo sau...Image by Getty Images via Daylife


food poisoning

is an enterocolitis that is caused by several species of salmonella.
is a condition,in which there is infection of the small intestine and the colon by the bacteria, under question.

Unlike other types of food poisoning salmonella food poisoning,is not toxin mediated.Rather it is caused by the involvement of the gut wall by salmonella.



occurs via consumption of improperly cooked and stored food.The food sources involved predominantly are poultry meat,egg,milk etc.Salmonella food poisoning is much more common in individuals with salmonella infection in family members,institutionalized individuals.There is another interesting point about this infection is reptiles like iguana,tortoise are carriers of salmonella,thus this type of food poisoning occurs commonly in individuals with reptile pets.


salmonella symptoms

are usually fever,chills,nausea,vomiting,abdominal pain and diarrhea.The
may vary in intensity.

The main aim of management is to maintain a proper hydration.Adequate replacement of fluids and electrolytes is the main goal.Usually the oral route for fluid replacement is preferred.In case of individuals who can not take adequate fluids due to severe vomiting may need intravenous fluid administration.

Please do remember,whenever you or your family members suffer from the aforementioned symptoms,please do contact the emergency department of the nearest hospital,or your doctor immediately for necessary advice.

For any more information on this please consult with your doctor or may post the question.

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09 August, 2009


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ResveratrolImage via Wikipedia


is a plant product that was first extracted from white hellebore.It is most coomonly isolated from Japanese knotweed.Resveratrol is found in

red wine

,white wines,pinot noir,the amount being maximum in red wine.It is also found in peanut,blueberries etc.

In animal experiments,Resveratrol has found to have some blood sugar lowering effect,anti-cancer,


and beneficial effects on heart.But these effects have not been established in human studies.In one study in mice it was found to have

anti aging


Molecular studies have shown that it may have beneficial effects on stomach,esophagus,breast,skin,prostate cancer.But this beneficial effects are not possible even with the largest dose.

The side effects have not been established in any study.But eminent authors suggest that resveratrol should not be taken by pregnant women as this compound is estrogenic.This should also not be taken by children and individuals less than 18.
Potential benefits that have been observed in animal studies are it increases the speed of metabolism,thus helping to burn the calories.It has also been shown to be beneficial in alzheimer’s disease and other neuro degenerative diseases by reducing the amyloid plaque formation in the brain.But as mentioned before,these have not been proved in human studies.

It has been proposed that absorption of
resveratrol supplements
may be best from the mucosa of the stomach.

I have tried to post a comprehensive review about resveratrol,but do consult other reliable internet resources,and obviously consult your doctor.

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03 August, 2009


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None - This image is in the public domain and ...Image via Wikipedia


aureus is a very common cause of skin infection.There are certain factors that increases the risk of staphylococcal infection.Poor hygiene,damage to the skin like trauma,diabetes,skin diseases are some of he predisposing factors.

Staphylococcus is also a very common cause surgical

wound infection



skin infection

may be divided into folliculitis,furuncle,carbuncle.Other infections caused by staphylococcus are impetigo,cellulitis etc.

Folliculitis is a skin infection that involves the hair follicle and forms a pus filled blister.This superficial infection consist of a pus filled area surrounded by redness.

is a more severe infection,in which the infection has extended from the hair follicle to adjoining areas of the skin and forms a true abscess.


is the most severe of these lesions.In this lesion the infection has extended to involve the sub-cutaneous tissue[tissue lying beneath the skin layer.]It is very painful and occurs commonly in the lower portion of the neck.

Staphylococcus is also a very common cause of
mastitis after delivery

For more information on this,please discuss with your doctor and visit other reliable internet sources, or may post any question in the comment section.

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02 August, 2009


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Apart from the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDS that are very commonly used for relieving pain,there is another class of pain relief medications called the opioid analgesics.

Tramadol is a very commonly used centrally acting analgesic.Tramadol is mainly used
for short-lasting pain like in injury,trauma,surgical and diagnostic procedures.It may also be used for chronic pain conditions like cancer pain.It is more effective in medium intensity pain but less so in case of severe pain.

Tramadol is a centrally acting analgesic.It acts on the opioid receptors and also has other actions.

It's abuse potential ia low.Tramadol causes less respiratory depression,sedation,constipation,urinary retention etc.

Dose is usually started with Tramadol 50 mg-the lowest dose, and gradually escalated if needed.The usual dose is 50-100 mg orally,intramuscular or intravenous slow injection.

For more information on this,please discuss with your doctor and visit other reliable internet sources like About Tramadol at wikipedia. is a site managed by a medical doctor which gives relevant information about Tramadol.Buy tramadol bluebook provides a comparison of the online pharmacies and presents a platform to compare the prices of Tramadol and other pain-relief drugs.Thus helping the consumers to save money and make an informed decision.



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Thank you everyone!Image by J. Star via Flickr

Thanks once again,for visiting my blog throughout this month.

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