Google Aug 16, 2009 | Web Health Directory

16 August, 2009


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One month back,one of my very close friend's house was robbed by some burglars.Her house was literally ransacked.Her laptop,plasma TV ALL gone.As she spends most of her time in her office,which is a software company with night and day shifts,sometimes without any break.Thus security and protection of her home was of utmost priority,so the search began.

The search was for an agency,which provided a total protection against burglary,fire threats and others.

Searching over the net this site caught our notice.They provide a 24 x 7 monitoring service through a system installed in our homes.The installation consists door/window protection,carbon monoxide detectors,smoke/heat sensors,freeze sensors,motion detectors and other systems.Our home is monitored through this installed system via four monitoring centers across United States.And whenever an alarm is detected they immediately inform the home owner or the local authorities.

The austin home security site has also laid out a statistical report about the number of violent crimes,burglary etc. in Austin,Texas.

Another interesting feature is,Austin fire department page has presented a list of important informations about fire safety.

The facilities and protection system provided by this agency seems to be very authentic and efficient, thinking of asking her to try this out.