Google Apr 13, 2009 | Web Health Directory

13 April, 2009


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Lung cancer,a very dangerous cancer is perhaps the leading cause of cancer deaths in
both female and male individuals.Most of the patients with lung cancer,are current or former cigarette smokers.The smoking cessation projects carried out in several countries has reduced the number of lung cancer deaths in men but it has not been that successful in female individuals in reducing the lung cancer deaths.

The survival of lung cancer patients has definitely improved over the years,due to the improvement of treatment options.[surgery,chemotherapy,radiotherapy].

Lung cancer are malignant lesions arising from the respiratory epithelium like bronchi,bronchiole,alveoli.The major types are squamous cell carcinoma,adenocarcinoma,small cell carcinoma,large cell carcinoma etc.Two most common lung carcinomas are adenocarcinoma[at present perhaps the most common] and squamous cell carcinoma.

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Correct histological diagnosis is very important for treatment purpose.Small cell carcinoma,at the time of diagnosis has already spread extensively,so this specific type of lung cancer is usually not amenable to surgery.It is usually treated with chemotherapy.Radiotherapy may or may not be added to chemotherapy.
In contrast the non-small cell carcinomas do not respond to chemotherapy,that well.

Squamous cell,small cell cancers usually occur in the central part of the lung, while adenocarcinomas tend to occur in the peripheral parts of lung.

Please verify these informations about lung cancer with other internet references.For more information on this,you may discuss the topic with your doctor
or may post a comment.In the coming posts i plan to explain the different aspects of lung cancer.

The picture of the lung is copyrighted to Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator.