MITTELSCHMERZ consists of lower abdominal pain and pelvic pain occuring in the middle of a menstrual cycle.This pain coincides with ovulation.This sort of pain usually begins suddenly and lasts for few hours.This pain may occur in both sides of the lower abdomen in some but usually occurs on one side,corresponding to the ovary,from which ovulation has occured.The location of pain may switch from one side of the lower abdomen to the other side ,in different menstrual cycles,because ovulation may occur randomly from one ovary to the other in different menstrual cycles.
CAUSE:several theories have been postulated.
1.As ovary has no openings,when the egg or ovum comes out during ovulation, it ruptures a portion of the ovarian wall,leading to pain.
2.Following ovulation,contraction of the fallopian tube occurs, in order to allow the passage of the egg.This may have a role to play in the genesis of MITTELSCHMERZ.
3.During ovulation ,when the egg ruptures through the ovarian wall some amount of blood and fluid may be released into the abdominal cavity[peritoneal cavity].This may also be the cause of pain.
4.Prior to ovulation many follicles[ovarian follicles located within the ovary] enlarge in anticipation of ovulation.However only one[sometimes two] eggs come out in each menstrual cycle.One egg or ovum comes out of each follicle,other enlarging follicles subsequently regress[atrophy].The enlargement of follicles may have a role to play in the etiology of MID-CYCLE PAIN.
TREATMENT:Usually this sort of pain is harmless.Responds to simple analgesics.But if it persists for a longer period then other causes of lower abdominal pain are to be excluded.Sometimes MITTELSCHMERZ may mimick appendicitis.
Whenever this sort of pain bothers any women,she should at least take the the advice of her doctor.
signing off,friends,closing my laptop.It's time for getting back to work.
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