Today,I'll discuss about the blood or hematological changes in LUPUS[Systemic lupus erythematosus].The usual change that is observed is anemia[deficiency of the red blood cells or RBCs and/or hemoglobin which is a pigment present within the RBCs which plays a role in the oxygen transport].The anaemia observed in SLE is usually normochromic,normocytic[this means the size and color of the RBCs remain unaltered].
The white blood cell[leucocytes or WBCs] count is often decreased[leucopenia],but usually the lymphocyte[a type of white blood cell] count is decreased,the granulocyte count usually remains unaltered.This usually does not increase the chance of infection.
Thrombocytopenia or reduction of platlet count may be seen.
In some individuals suffering from SLE hemolysis or destruction of the red blood cells may occur.
For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.
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Abilify (Aripiprazole)

The white blood cell[leucocytes or WBCs] count is often decreased[leucopenia],but usually the lymphocyte[a type of white blood cell] count is decreased,the granulocyte count usually remains unaltered.This usually does not increase the chance of infection.
Thrombocytopenia or reduction of platlet count may be seen.
In some individuals suffering from SLE hemolysis or destruction of the red blood cells may occur.
For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.
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Abilify (Aripiprazole)