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Broadly the causes of diabetes may be divided into decreased or absence of insulin secretion[insulin is a hormone secreted from a specific type of cells of the pancreas called the Beta cells],insulin resistance[ in this case, the quantity of insulin secreted from the insulin is normal,but the insulin receptors present in various organs of the body are resistant to the action of insulin ],increased glucose
Diabetes can be divided into....
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Type 1 diabetes mellitus takes place due to autoimmune destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas,which produces insulin.Autoimmune destruction in general terms mean that certain antibodies are produced within our body against the beta cells which selectively destroys these cells.Type 1 diabetes may occur at any age,but usually occur after the age of 30.
Type 2 diabetes occurs due to a variety of causes like variable degrees of insulin resistance,glucose overproduction.,reduced insulin secretion. 2 diabetes develops with increasing age.
In my coming posts i will take up diabetes in a more elaborate manner.