Hi friends,this is my first paid post.Tried to collect substantial lot of data regarding this.Medical assistants carry out both administrative and clinical tasks in the offices of physicians,chiropractors etc.
Medical assistants in administrative tasks perform several duties like keeping patient records,filling out insurance forms,arranging for hospital admissions,greeting patients,answering correspondence,book-keeping,dealing with bills etc.As they have to deal with public a lot,they should always be pleasant in their behavior.
Medical assistants involved in clinical tasks,have to perform several kinds of duties,which depends upon the state laws,in which they are employed. The tasks may involve history taking ,examination of vital signs of the patient, assisting the physician during examination of the patient,explaining to the patient about the treatment protocols,keeping the examination room clean & in order,collect laboratory specimen, draw blood sample,dressing of wounds etc.
There are certain specialised medical assistants like ophthalmic medical assistants,optometric medical assistants,podiatric medical assistants.Ophthalmic medical assistants help the ophthalmologists in providing eye care.Optometric medical assistants work along with the optometrists in providing eye care.Podiatric medical assistants job responsibility includes making casting,taking x-ray etc.
WORK HOUR: Full time work hour includes 40 hour/week.Part time jobs are also available.
JOB PROSPECT: IS VERY GOOD.EMPLOYMENT OF MEDICAL ASSISTANTS IS EXPECTED TO RISE BY 35% BY THE YEAR 2016.There is scope for jobs in private and public sector.Usually the hospitals prefer certified and experienced individuals.,although not absolutely required.In the developing world,job prospects are even more better,with numerous hospitals & nursing homes coming up.[for more information please visit BLS.GOV SITEhere].
Now coming to this institution,St. augustine's school offers online medical assistant courses, with facilities for online enrollment,online payment[quite reasonable price].online medical courses & also facilities for online examination.They provide certificate of comletion of the medical assistant's programme.The course duration is 6-8 weeks.
In my opinion,this is best suitable,for individuals, who do not have the opportunity for attending regular college courses.
They also offer online dental assistant,pharmacy technician,nursing assistant programmes also.
WORD OF CAUTION:Please visit their site & review it carefully.Look at their legal info. and check out with your potential employees & respective government agencies whether this programme[ and the certificate ]will satisfy their needs.
medical assistant schoolshere
medical assistanthttp://www.medassistant.org>here
medical assistantshttp://www.medassistant.org>here