Endometrioid cancer[type 1] is the most common type of endometrial cancer .The risk factors of endometrial cancer are factors that increases the body’s exposure to estrogen like estrogen replacement therapy, diabetes,hypertension,hyperlipidemia etc.It occurs in the background of endometrial hyperplasia.
Type 2 endometrial cancers, the most common of which is uterine papillary serous carcinoma, does not depend on body’s exposure to estrogen but actually develops in a background of atrophic endometrium .This type of endometrial cancer actually develops in older age than the commoner endometrioid endometrial cancer and carries a much poorer prognosis than endometrioid cancer.The pre-cancerous lesion is thought to be endometrial intra-epithelial carcinoma [EIC].
For further information please discuss this issue with your doctor.For any more querries on this. please feel free to ask , in the comments section.
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