The cause of this disorder is not exactly known.but several theories have been postulated.The large bowel in these patients may be extremely sensitive to stress or some kind of foods.There may be problem in motility or movement of the large bowel.There may be spasmodic contractions[strong muscle contractions] or the colon may stop functioning temporarily.
SEROTONIN,a chemical neurotransmitter ,present mainly in the gut[& also in the brain] may have a role to play.There are certain receptors in the gut ,whose main function is to transfer the serotonin out of the gut.In irritable bowel syndrome ,there is diminished activity of these receptors, resulting in abnormal levels of serotonin,which cause problems in motility,pain sensation etc.
The epithelium or the lining cells are normal,but when the contents in the large bowel move quickly,the lining epithelium is not able to absorb the fluid from the bowel contents.which result in plenty of fluids in the stool.At times when the contents move slowly,the large bowel epithelium absorbs almost all the fluids,resulting in constipated stool.
Infections of the gastro-intestinal tract,mild celiac disease may also have a role to play in the development of irritable bowel syndrome.
SYMPTOMS:1.cramping abdominal pain,abdominal discomfort.[for 12 weeks in previous 12 months,the weeks may not be consecutive]
2.changes in frequency of bowel movement.
3.changes in appearance of the stool.
4.passage of mucus in the stool.
5.bloating of abdomen
6.diarrhea or constipation.etc.
EVALUATION AND DIAGNOSIS:First step in diagnosis is if any individual, thinks he/she has symptoms related to IBS,he/she must go to a doctor.
investigations:There is no specific test available for IBS.But some tests may be performed to exclude other diseases.1.blood test
2. stool sample test
3.x-ray:lower gi barium enema series.
5.colonoscopy. etc
diagnosis: is usually made by ROME CRITERIA.[i'll describe in detail about ROME CRITERIA in my later posts]
TREATMENT:1.STRESS MANAGEMENT:this is very important.Exercise,meditation,relaxation techniques,counselling may help.My personal opinion is don't stress yourself too hard.although it's easier said than done.Try to avoid interpersonal conflicts.Have a good,adequate sleep.
2.FOOD:some foods with increased fibre content like cereals,fruits,vegetables may help some individuals.
foods to avoid:carbonated drinks[soda],caffeinated drinks,fattyfoods are to be avoided.In some patients milk products are to be avoided.These individuals should take adequate supplements[calcium].
medicines:1.Antispasmodics like dicyclomine,hyoscyamine may be used to reduce the spasmodic pain.
2.Drugs like Loperamide may have to be used for the control of painless diarrhea.
3.Low doses of anti-depressants like amitryptylline,selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors[SSRIs] may also be used.
4.Alosetron is a recently introduced drug,that may be used in diarrhea predominant IBS,when all other treatment options have failed.This drug has some serious side effects like ishcemic colitis,severe constipation.
5.INVESTIGATIONAL DRUG:1.Fedotozine:This is an investigational drug,a kappa-opiod agonist that may decrease the hypersensitivity of the intestine.
2.Studies on substance-p[a neurotransmitter] antagonist is going on.
For more information please dicuss this issues with your doctor.You may also visit the MEDILINEPLUS SITE for further reference here
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