Google 01/01/2010 - 02/01/2010 | Web Health Directory

28 January, 2010

Giving your photos a new

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Funny Pictures

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Hello,friends,we all know,how important pictures,are to our blog.Adding,some good,interesting pictures yo your blog posts and also to your forum posts,e-mails adds a different dimension to it.One of the best way to attract your reader's attention,to a particular blog post,is perhaps,adding a related photo to it.If you take into consideration even the best of the blogs,like Mashable,Techcrunch,Boing Boing and many others,you would notice,that almost all of their posts are associated with a representative photo.I think,we all have noticed very attractive RSS Feed icons,displayed at thousands of blogs,in order to attract new subscribers.Yes,if you ask me writing substantial,focused content is probably the most important criteria for increasing the visitor and subscriber count,but when it comes to pictures and photos,there is also no alternative to it.Let us take the example of this blog,in the initial days of my blogging,i was not aware of this important tool.After some time when i started adding photos to my blog posts,i found a substantial increase in the visitor count to my blog.I started getting, bulk of visitors even from Google Images.

In case of forums,i mean there are so many posts,so in order to attract readers to your posts,and thereby to your links,perhaps the best tool is to add a customized photo to your forum post.

Now,it's not only about adding a photo or icon,to your blog.The more you can customize it,more the better.And here comes,this may be taken as a perfect Fun photo maker.Everyday,this fun photo editor,adds many picture effects to their site,and you can simply add an effect,by selecting a particular effect,and uploading,your photo.The whole process takes less than, half a minute.Automatically,HTML code for posting the new customized photo,to your blog,forum or even mails,is generated.Then it's just a cut and paste job.One of the best feature,i found out was that  many new effects are added everyday,to choose from.

Below,I have showed a demonstration,how easy it was,to customize some social bookmarking icons.


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Funny Pictures

Funny Pictures

Funny Pictures

Funny Pictures

02 January, 2010

Addiction:An Overview

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In this present day world of intense pressure and competition,Addiction of several substances has reached an immense proportion,both in developed and developing countries.

It is a tip of the iceberg situation,what we see is just the tip,a lot remains unrevealed.

For better explanation drug abuse disorders may be classified into four overlapping classes,that is acute intoxication,withdrawal symptoms,dependence state and harmful use of a drug.

The substances that are commonly abuse are alcohol,cannabis,opioid,cocaine,hallucinogens like LSD,phencyclidine etc.sedatives like barbiturates,volatile solvents,nicotine and many more.

Addiction problems are prevalent in all age groups and fairly common in adolescents.

Acute intoxication may be defined disturbance in consciousness,alternation of behavior due to excess consumption of different psychoactive substances like alcohol.

Withdrawal symptoms are those usually short lasting symptoms,that arise on partial or complete withdrawal of a drug.

Dependence state,can be defined as a state where there is difficulty in controlling substance taking behavior,there is a strong desire to take the substance,along with appearance of withdrawal symptoms,when the substance abuse have been ceased.

Addiction treatment can be broadly divided into detoxification,that is the treatment of withdrawal symptoms,treatment of drug overdose,treatment of drug dependence.Last but not the least,maintenance therapy,forms an integral component of any drug rehab program,which primarily attempts to keep the individual out of the addictive behavior.

Finally to conclude this overview i would like to at least present the drugs and protocols used in the management of common substance abuses.

The drugs used in the treatment of alcohol addiction are chlordiazepoxide,diazepam for treating withdrawal symptoms.Treatment of alcohol dependence consists of behavior therapy,group therapy,psychotherapy,anti craving agents like acamprosate etc.Vitamins like thiamine also form an important component.

Management of opioid addiction mainly consists drugs like naloxone,naltrexone for treating opioid overdose.For maintenance therapy drugs like methadone,naltrexone are used.Other drugs like LAAM,synanon and psychosocial therapy also form a part of the regimen.

I have explained the management of nicotine addiction in one of my previous post,you can check here

Now,an overview about addiction can not be concluded,without mentioning a few words
about the drug treatment of cannabis addiction.Management of cannabis addiction predominantly comprises of supportive and symptomatic therapy.Family therapy and psychosocial therapy also forms an important component of the treatment protocol.

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