Before listing the affiliates, i have joined till date, i want to reveal a character of mine, to my friends.I have an inherent tendency to try out new things.I usually can't resist this trait of mine.This applies to new food,books,adventure,sports,money-making ideas and many more.Sometimes it has brought me great happiness & other times...let's not talk about it.I am trying to give a a honest review of the affiliates.I would really appreciate if my friends join with my link.
And so i started experimenting with the affiliates.Truly speaking,apart from making 2 sub-affiliates in each of them,i have not made any financial benefits.But it's ok only 1.5 months have passed, from the day i joined the affiliates.So, I can't tell how much money they make,but i can tell only about the services they provide.
MedStore:Perhaps everybody of us know of MedStore.Their service is very good.Whenever i get into problems with anything be it the HTML codes,banner problems etc,they are prompt to help,almost immedietely.Their support is really good.they provide a whole lot of medicines to promote.Perhaps it is the best site to buy medicines online.They almost have entire colection of useful drugs in their store.
myrxcash is also very good.Affiliate support parallels medstore.One advantage is that they have many pharmacies to promote under one site.There is also a disadvantage,they have lesser drugs to promote.
Everybody knows about markethealth.I may add some points,which i think may help.This is a very professionally managed site.Huge list of alternative health products to promote.The banners are in JAVASCRIPT mode,so the banners never cause a problem.
Advantage of Affiliate Future is that they have a whole lot of products to promote from health,cosmetics,home,gardens,computers etc.My personal view is that,the products are very useful.Affiliate support is also very good.
Everybody knows about moreniche, better than me.I don't have anything more to say.
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