Google 02/01/2009 - 03/01/2009 | Web Health Directory

28 February, 2009


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I wanted to create a droplist of blogs of my entrecard friends.But after 7 hours of constantly sitting in front of the computer, i finally created a list,but the list is incomplete.The list crossed 300,it could have reached 400 or 500,i guess.It would have been better if entrecard increased the maximum limit of dropping to, say 400 or 500.Any way i'll try to visit more than 300 blogs per day.
Here goes my list...






In order to maintain a stable body weight,our energy intake should balance the energy output.The energy expenditure or the energy that is needed for our day-to-day living can be divided into Resting energy expenditure and energy spent on physical activity.Other minor sources of energy expenditure being being energy spent on metabolism of foods energy expended due to shivering[cold-induced thermogenesis]

The Resting energy expenditure can be calculated as REE=900+10w[for males] and...

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REE=700+7w[for females].To calculate the total energy requirement REE is then adjusted according to the physical activity.[multiplying REE by 1.2 for sedentary,1.4 for moderately active and 1.8 for very active individuals.

The final value gives the total caloric needs of an individial.

The average daily energy intake is about 2800kcal/day for males and about 1800kcal/day for females,however this varies from country to country,body size,activity level etc.

For more information on this please consult your doctor or dietitian or you may post your question in the comment section.

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26 February, 2009


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In today's post I'll present a brief description about the lipid abnormalities[dyslipidemia] seen in Diabetics .
The usual lipid abnormality seen in diabetics is usually hypertriglyceridemia[elevated triglyceride concentration in the blood],reduced amount of high density lipoprotein[HDL],the so called 'good cholesterol' in blood.
Diabetes usually does not alter the amount of LDL cholesterol, but it becomes glycated and thus more atherogenic.
According to the American Heart Association ....

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Online Clinic

the LDL level should be kept below 100mg/dl,HDL should be above 40mg/dl in men and above 50mg/dl in women,triglyceride should be kept below 150mg/dl in diabetic individuals[Please verify this data with your doctor as it varies from country to country and changes periodically]

The usual approach followed to correct the lipid abnormalities is
2.LIFE STYLE MODIFICATION[cessation of smoking,exercise]
3.Drugs like HMG CoA derievatives[statins like atorvastatin]

Reduction of the LDL cholesterol level reduces the risk of cardiovascular complications on diabetics.

For more information on this,please consult with your doctor or post a comment.


22 February, 2009



Today i'll present a brief description about an entity called ' drug-induced-lupus '.
Certain drugs,most notorious of them being anti-arrythmic drugs like procainamide,propafenone,disopyramide,antihypertensives like hydralazine etc.

This condition usually presents with fever,lethargy,arthralgia[joint pain],arthritis,myositis etc.Drug-induced lupus is usually positive for ANA and negative for anti-dsDNA.ANA becomes positive even before the symptoms appear.[for information on ANA and anti-dsDNA,please refer to my previous post]

Other drugs causing drug-induced lupus are are...

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antibiotics like minocycline,isoniazid; diuretics like hydrochlorothiazide,anti-thyroid drugs like propylthiouracil,statins like simvastatin,lovastatin;interferons and tumor necrosis factor[TNF] and many others.

One special feature os drug induved lupus is, it is positive for anti-histone antibodies.

For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.





21 February, 2009


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Today as an experiment i created a mobile friendly version of my

blog[HEALTH:THEGREATESTGIFTOFGOD] with Feedm8.Please have a look at the mobile version

and post some comment regarding the experiment.


19 February, 2009


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Today,I'll present a brief discussion about the auto-antibody tests used for the diagnosis and assessing the chance of complications in LUPUS[SLE].In this post I'll discuss about ANA,anti-dsDNA,anti-SM,anti-Phospholipid antibody and anti-Ro antibody.

The usual initial antibody to be tested is ANA[anti-nuclear antibody].This test is very sensitive that is ANA is positive in vast majority of individuals with SLE.Although ANA NEGATIVE LUPUS may occur,in very rare occasions.

Anti-dsDNA[antibody to double stranded DNA] tests is a very specific test for LUPUS.By specificity it means,that if anti-dsDNA test is positive,there is high chance of the individual having LUPUS[SLE].But the problem with this test ...

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is,anti-dsDNA test is not very sensitive that is,this test is not positive in all individuals with LUPUS.

Anti-SM antibody test is also a very specific test for lupus.

aPL or anti-phospholipid antibody test identify individuals who are at risk of complications like reduced platlet count[thrombocytoenia],fetal loss,clotting within the blood vessels[arterial or venous thrombosis]

Anti-Ro antibodies test,when positive,ascertain higher risk of neonatal lupus,sicca syndrome etc.

For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.





18 February, 2009


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In today's post i,ll try to explain the gastro-intestinal symptoms in LUPUS.By gastro-intestinal symptoms it means the symptoms produced by the organs located within the abdomen.

During acute flares of SLE there may be symptoms like nausea,vomiting,abdominal pain etc.

Occasionally there may be attacks of abdominal pain due to autoimmune peritonitis, which may sometime occur in SLE [systemic lupus erythematosus]

But the most dangerous gastro-intestinal involvement in LUPUS is vasculits involving
the blood vessels of the gut.It may present with ischemia[reduction of blood supply to portions of the gut].This may lead to perforation of the gut,bleeding and even sepsis.Vasculitis of the intestine usually requires aggressive immunotherapy for control.

For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.

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Actos (Pioglitazone)


Altace (Ramipril)


17 February, 2009


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Today,I'll discuss about the blood or hematological changes in LUPUS[Systemic lupus erythematosus].The usual change that is observed is anemia[deficiency of the red blood cells or RBCs and/or hemoglobin which is a pigment present within the RBCs which plays a role in the oxygen transport].The anaemia observed in SLE is usually normochromic,normocytic[this means the size and color of the RBCs remain unaltered].

The white blood cell[leucocytes or WBCs] count is often decreased[leucopenia],but usually the lymphocyte[a type of white blood cell] count is decreased,the granulocyte count usually remains unaltered.This usually does not increase the chance of infection.

Thrombocytopenia or reduction of platlet count may be seen.
In some individuals suffering from SLE hemolysis or destruction of the red blood cells may occur.

For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.

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Eye experts

Abilify (Aripiprazole)


16 February, 2009


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In today's post I'll discuss about the cardiac changes in SLE[systemic lupus erythematosus].Pericarditis[inflammation of the pericardium or the covering of the heart i.e in simple words the pericardium is invaded by different types of inflammatory cells].In minority of cases it may lead to cardiac tamponade.The more serious manifestations may be myocarditis i.e

involvement of muscles of the heart by inflammation:endocarditis.Involvement of the innermost layer of the heart[endocardium] may lead to cardiac valve insufficiencies,usually of the left sided heart valves[aortic and mitral valves].
Of note,myocardial infarction[commonly called only infarction or heart attack] is also common in individuals with lupus,primarily due to accelerated atherosclerosis.

Pericarditis usually responds to anti-inflammatory drugs.Myocarditis and endocarditis is usually treated with glucocorticoids.

For any more information on this, please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.

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11 February, 2009


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Senior citizens need special attention. It is our moral responsibility to take good care of our parents and seniors who have struggled a lot to fulfill our dreams.Care giving to the seniors is a job of great responsibility. It requires utmost commitment and sincerity.

Elderly individuals are more prone to multiple physical ailments namely Alzheimer’s disease, senile dementia [forgetfulness],depression, reduction of vision [mainly due to cataract], diminution of hearing[mainly due to nerve deafness],nutritional deficiencies, diabetes, ailments of the heart specially heart failure, osteoporosis or reduction of bone mineral density leading to increased susceptibility of bone fractures etc. Individuals’ care giving for parents, seniors should pay particular attention to these conditions.

Alzheimer’s disease is a condition characterized by progressive reduction of memory; particularly patients fail to recall the day to day activities. It may also be associated with reduction of intellectual capacity, speech disturbance, disorientation, inability to perform routine activities. A caregiver should monitor these changes and report any detoriation periodically to the attending physician. Assistance should be provided to perform daily activities in individuals severely disabled by Alzheimer’s disease

Development of cataract is a common problem in seniors. Vision testing should be done at least once a year for assessment of visual acquity, field of vision. If cataract or other eye problem is detected it should be treated accordingly.

With age, a particular type of deafness called sensorineural deafness or nerve deafness occurs in a large number of individuals. Periodic hearing assessment should be done for early detection of hearing loss and appropriate measures like hearing aids should be undertaken.

Elderly individuals are particularly prone to develop nutritional deficiencies like calcium, iron, and vitamin deficiencies. A diet chart should be made according to the particular needs of the individual, preferably by a dietician and should be followed meticulously.

Diabetes, a very common metabolic ailment in present day society especially in senior citizens should be dealt with extreme caution. Strict control of blood sugar is the goal. Attention should be paid to proper diet, exercise, oral hypoglycemics, insulin etc. Insulin and drugs that reduce blood glucose have an inherent tendency to reduce blood glucose to such an extent that may cause symptoms of glucose deficiency[hypoglycemia].Individuals taking care of seniors with diabetes should be aware of the symptoms of hypoglycemia like disorientation,sweating,increase in heart rate. Strict regimen of insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs should be followed. Periodic checking of fasting blood sugar, glycosylated hemoglobin should be done. Seniors with diabetes should be taken periodically to the doctor for clinical evaluation of vision, kidney function, heart functions, and development of skin ulcers etc.A glucometer should be kept at home for estimation of capillary blood glucose in home.

Osteoporosis or reduction of bone mineral density is another common problem in elderly individual. It increases the susceptibility to fractures, particularly the fracture neck of femur and vertebral fractures. In persons suffering from osteoporosis, medications prescribed by the doctor like calcium, vitamin D, biphosphonates should be given meticulously and care should be taken to prevent frequent falls.

In case of bed-ridden individuals, frequent shifting of position should be done to prevent pressure sores.

Last but not the least depression is very common in the elderly age group. One of the most important duties of caregivers is to provide mental support. If required, help of a psychiatrist should be sought for.

Care giving to elderly individuals is a duty of great commitment and seriousness. The protocol of care giving should be tailored according to each individual’s need.


06 February, 2009


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Involvement of the nervous system is common in LUPUS[SLE].It can involve the central nervous system[CNS] i.e the brain and also the peripheral nervous system[PNS] i.e the spinal cord and the peripheral nerves.

The usual feature of CNS involvement is cognitive dysfunction mainly consisting of defects in memory and reasoning.

Other features that may occur are 1. Seizures
2. Psychosis
3.Headache,which increases during flares.
4.Transient ischemic attacks,stroke may occur due to vascular occlusion [as a result of emboli and thrombus formation]

Myelopathy or involvement of the spinal cord is also not very uncommon.

For any more information on this please consult your doctor or you may post in the comment section.

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01 February, 2009


In today's post I'll briefly explain the kidney changes [renal changes] in lupus.Kidney involvement is a very serious involvement in Systemic lupus Erythematosus.It is a very important cause of mortality.

In most individuals suffering from SLE, kidney involvement presents with no symptoms,therefore urinalysis should be ordered in any individual with SLE presenting with no symptoms related to the kidney.

Invovement of the kidney may present with proliferative or membranous forms of glomerulonephritis, or with nephrotic syndrome.

Renal biopsy is a very important investigation in these cases,to to determine the course of treatment.

Usually, due to SLE[kidney involvement] needs to be treated by immunosuppressive drugs[steroids and cytotoxic drugs]

If not treated,it may develop into end-stage renal disease.

For further information,please discuss this issue with your doctor.

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