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Palpitation is a condition in which an individual becomes aware of his/her own heart beat.Individuals presenting with palpitation usually complain of pounding heart beat.
This condition may occur in any condition like stress, that is physical or emotional etc that increases the catecholamine levels in our body.This in turn increases the force of cardiac contractions,thereby causing palpitation.
Palpitation may also occur in certain individuals when they rest in bed,but are unable to sleep.
Now coming to more serious causes of palpitation.Palpitation may occur in the event of disturbances in heart rate and cardiac rhythm.Some of these disturbances are supraventricular tachyarrhythmia,atrial fibrillation,ventricular tacchyarrhythmias,ventricular extrasystoles etc.In my coming posts i will try to explain each of them in details.
There are certain cardiac diseases like aortic regurgitation that increases the size of the left chamber of the heart i.e the left ventricle,which thereby comes in contact with the chest wall causing palpitation.
Certain non cardiac conditions like fever,hypoglycemia[reduced blood glucose levels] etc. may also cause palpitation.
Last,but definitely not the least psychiatric diseases like panic disorder,depression may also cause palpitation.
There are certain substances that many of us commonly consume like tea,coffee,alcohol,tobacco etc. can also precipitate palpitation and even arrhythmia.
To end this post,any individual presenting with palpitation should not neglect his/her symptoms and should at least consult his/her doctor to undergo a thorough evaluation to establish the cause of palpitation.
Any individual with symptoms of palpitation should avoid the palpitation precipitating substances,mentioned above.
Please consult this topic, with other reliable internet resources or with your doctor.
That is all new news to me. Learn something new everyday eh.
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