This disease is caused by free living amoebas like Naegeleria fowleri
Acanthameba castellani etc
acute primary amoebic encephalitis is caused by naegeleria species
chronic form is caused by acanthameba.
This disease occurs in the temperate regions of North America & Europe,albeit rare.This disease is usually seen in children swimming in soil contaminated warm water pools.The protozoa enters the body through the nasal cavity and enters directly into the brain through the cribriform plate.
There is haemorrhage and necrosis in brain.
In the acute form death ensues in , less than a week usually.
acanthamoeba causes a subacute,chronic form.
Diagnosis is by demonstration of the free living amoebae in the cerebro-spinal fluid.
TREATMENT:The acute cases are treated with amphotericin B.
please discuss this disease with your health care provider.For further information you may visit medscape sitehere
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