Morning friends, as promised I'll be continuing with postings related to pregnancy .Today i'll try to explain hair changes in pregnancy.
Hair growth consists of two main phases. ANAGEN & TELOGEN. There is also a transitional phase in between, called the CATAGEN PHASE, which indicates the end of growing phase of hair.Catagen phase lasts for 2-3 weeks.In the ANAGEN phase, growth of hair takes place.TELOGEN PHASE is the resting phase, during which hair falls off.
At any given time. about 20% of hairs are in the resting phase[telogen].During pregnancy more hairs are in the ANAGEN PHASE.[growing phase]. As a result, during pregnancy hair continues to grow,thus in many women during pregnancy hair appears to be thicker.
During pregnancy increased growth of body & fascial hair may take place[hirsuitism], due to male hormone production by ovaries & adrenal gland.
After pregnancy during the post partum period,most of the hairs are in the telogen phase.Thereby there is a tendency of the hairs to fall off. Hair loss of about 100 hairs is normal.An individual usually notices significant hair loss when about 2/5 of all hair is lost.This phase of hair loss in the post-partum period usually subside in the next 5-6 months.
There is basically no effective treatment of this problem, but one may try avoiding excessive use of hair dryers,brushes etc.
The picture has been uploaded from wikimedia commons
For further information on this you may dicuss this with your doctor, or may visit the MARCH OF DIMES sitehere
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