Hi,fellow bloggers,today i will present a brief discussion on the HPV VACCINE.It is a quadrivalent[contain 4 types] recombinant vaccine for HPV types 6,11,16,18.It prevents cervical cancer,condyloma acuminata & precursor lesions of cancer like cervical intraepithelial neeoplasia[CIN] grades1,2&3;vaginal intraepithelial neoplasia grades 2&3,vulvar intraepithelial cancer grades 2&3. The vaccine is given in young girls 11-12 years old and young women between 13 to 26 years old.It is administered in 3 doses at an interval of 0,2,6 months. The vaccine is safe and effective.But although it does not prevent all cervical cancers , but prevents most of them. for more information please submit querries in the comment box or consult your health care provider . You can also visit the site of CDC here
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