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23 June, 2009


Naturopathy is a branch of alternative medicine that mainly focusses on the natural ways to deal with a physical ailment and ways to enhance body's natural immunity to fight with a disease.Naturopathy is also called natural medicine or naturopathic medicine.Naturopathy,in several forms have been practised all over the world for centuries.

Naturopathy is a broad term.It consists of several systems like acupuncture,botanical medicine,chelation therapy,color therapy,cranial osteopathy,homeopathy,ozone therapy,reflexology,hair analysis,rolfing,natural cure,nutritional interventions,chinese medicine and many more.

The basis of naturopathic medicine
is based on few principles.It aims to provide the best possible treatment to an individual with minimum risk to that individual.This system attempts to treat the cause of the disease,rather than only the symptoms.

The demand for naturopathic medicine as an alternative system of health care,is gradually increasing.The problem with this system is that it is not standardised in all the countries.In United States and Canada,naturopathic medicine is standardised.In United States and Canada,individuals who have trained at an accredited alternative medical school are permitted to use the ND[naturopathic doctor]designation.

With growing interest in alternative medicine,ND[naturopathic doctor]s trained from
accredited naturopathic colleges are in great demand.One such college is the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) ,located in Arizona,offering accredited courses in Natural medicine. 

But more work is needed to be done,in the field of alternative medicine,in terms of standardisation and researches.


Feron said...

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