2.conduction disturbance of the heart[atrial flutter,atrial fibrillation,supraventricular arrythmia etc]
3.alcoholic cardiomyopathy
4.heart failure
I want to give some information about alcoholic cardiomyopathy.It is a condition where there is increased muscle mass of the heart associated with global reduction of function of the heart.The heart is enlarged.There is both systolic and diastolic dysfunction of the heart.The patient may present with chest pain,heart failure[breathlessness etc.],conduction disturbance even with sudden death.Echocardiography is the best initial screening test.
Now coming to other systems of the body.Alcohol causes a myriads of disease.To name a few cirrhosis,gastritis.Even it has been linked to the etiology of certain cancers[esophageal,gastric]
So my point of view is if alcohol intake can be limited to 1-2 drinks per day,it's ok.But can everybody of us do that,it's up to you to decide.
Please discuss this issue with your doctor,take his/her point of view.
Please discuss this issue with your doctor,take his/her point of view.
Any querries on this issue feel free to ask me.good night.
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